Can I Survive The Red String?

1.0 Your Mind

Fate by definition is “The development of events beyond a person’s Control… determined by a supernatural power”. Faith by definition is “complete trust in someone or something”. Two completely different meanings, but yet they intersect so violently. What's the difference? On one side you have control.. The other.. You have no clue in Heaven what's going to happen. The Mind. The Mind is Where, what ever on earth you put your faith into.. determines your Fate. Now tell me.. have you seen her? 

1.1 Your Mind

What a scary place right? Vast.. Empty at times.. overfilled with thoughts, beliefs, illness and sometimes even Love. what does yours say? What does it feel? We never know the answer until we get it. Get it? Such a confusing cycle of questioning the Known and Unknown. Questioning what comes first?.. Chicken or the egg? Man or Woman? Symbolizing and highlighting the reprise thoughts that we all seem to it fair? You know.. What we do to our mind. Do crime. Do time. Be too fine. Get so low that you can’t pick which ladder to climb. What if my mind was being held hostage to what I painfully want but honestly don’t need.. The Body

Shot by Samantha Everette

2.0 The Body

Fate engulfing my Spirit with her presence, nor mere nor meek. she shades my eyes, only allowing me a slight peek, while faith is hidden fate is the one who seeks. My senses draw me to confusion, I can perceive the odor of faith, I am a jaded witness, I can discover her whimpering screams in my left ear, my lip tastes like metal residing in the bloody needle filled with the antibodies that fight off fate’s pestilent venom. Fingers cramping, hands twitching. They say it’s good luck if your palms are itching. Toes tapping to the rhythm of my heart beat, my knees scarred from the countless times I slithered to faith's corner solely for the acknowledgement. Faith knows what my heart desires. Fate controls my covet for stability. Wait if I finally give in to fate, where will take me..

Shot by Samantha Everette

2.0 The Body

Contained. Terrorized. But warm and slightly satisfied.  I KNOW!.. I know.. I KNOW?.. This isn’t our right destination but I know yet I know it is not our final. You got me. Are YOU happy?! Choose your words carefully, be mindful of what you ask for as it will become your reality. You know she was coming. When she comes, you ignorantly neglect everything you wish for. Our Souls converse like a Shakespeare monologue, spot light glimmering right above your brow and you simply utter; “Where have you been?” She remains silent to remind you over powerful feminine dominance. I say cowardly. “How could I forget all those cold nights, lying couldn’t make it right I KNOW.. I’ve been chasing in theory like a sheet of paper with all my deepest thoughts inked on both sides zipping through the wind in downtown Chicago in autumn. It can STOP HERE! Or it can be gone for an eternity” She covers my mouth with intent to conceal my mental state. She whispers. “Shhh Shhh Shhh” Come with me...